Who we are


Estre is Brazil’s largest environmental services company. We clean your city, remove the trash from your home, and deal with the industrial waste resulting from the products you use, disposing of trash in the safest way, either depositing it in landfills or transforming it into raw material and energy to produce new assets.

While most companies still regard trash as the end result of the production or consumption chain, Estre sees it as the starting point for a series of opportunities. The company provides major solutions for waste management: we transform trash into energy through an electricity generating plant powered by biogas at the Guatapará (SP) landfill and by the production of Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF); we are specialists in reverse manufacturing, a process that reuses more than 85% of electronic refuse; we recycle civil construction materials; and we use microwave technology and electrothermal deactivation to treat and dispose of hospital waste, cutting the volume of residues by up to 70% without polluting the atmosphere. Our services also include decontamination of the soil by bioremediation.

In all its Waste Management Centers (CGR), Estre has a structure for the sorting of recyclable materials, contributing to the preservation of the environment and social inclusion. The company’s CGRs have impermeable soil, the slurry is drained and treated, rainwater is stored, and there is a system for removing and burning off greenhouse gases, using one of the world’s most efficient systems.
We have 13 landfills, 5 transshipment stations, 3 units for treatment and final disposal of hospital waste, 2 coprocessing operations, 2 recycling units and 2 electricity generating units powered by biogas, as well as an effluent treatment station.

Our Belief

Trash has historically been associated with refuse: it is what is left when a production or consumption cycle ends, being considered undesirable.

The world still treats trash as the end. But, for Estre, trash is just the beginning. It is the beginning of a series of environmental, technological, economic, social and behavioral opportunities.

Trash can generate new forms of fuel, new production inputs and new jobs.

The awareness that waste is just the beginning transforms society as a whole, from producers to consumers, from families to companies, from the public sector to the private sector. Behaviors, policies and laws are transformed. The very notion of citizenship is transformed.

When discussing the consequences of progress in terms of sustainability and environmental responsibility, waste is a core issue, often treated as a villain. Estre’s fundamental belief is turning trash into a progress ally – rather than its undesirable consequence.


Our Belief

(Português do Brasil) Na Estre, nosso compromisso vai além da gestão eficiente de resíduos. Buscamos constantemente a excelência operacional e a

sustentabilidade em todas as nossas atividades. Por isso, somos certificados pelas normas ISO 9001 e ISO 14001, reconhecimentos que atestam nossa dedicação à qualidade e ao respeito ao meio ambiente.

A certificação ISO 9001 confirma que nossos processos seguem os mais altos padrões internacionais de gestão da qualidade, garantindo a satisfação de nossos clientes através da melhoria contínua de nossos serviços.

Já a certificação ISO 14001 reforça nosso comprometimento com práticas ambientais responsáveis, assegurando que adotamos sistemas eficazes para minimizar os impactos ambientais e promover a preservação dos recursos naturais.

Essas conquistas refletem nossa missão de oferecer soluções inovadoras e sustentáveis, contribuindo para um futuro mais limpo e consciente.

Certificado ISO 9001

Certificado ISO 14001

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